If you, like me, loves LEGO Trains you will already know that there are several things that really could be improved easily by LEGO: like the lack of a proper x-cross track, an automated switch, some signals to stop trains, etc…
Well, LEGO said a few years ago that they replaced the old 9V tracks by the actual plastic stuff because it would allow new vibrant track designs. #bullshit More than five years after that we still have exactly the same type of tracks geometry. We would love to see different size straight tracks and a wider curved tracks… but it looks like we will have to wait more.
But today let me share with you the fantastic work of Michael Skaako: A remotely operated switch track or a motorized point.
Even on the small tracks that I build on my house, it is really stressing to change switches fast enough when you have several trains running on the tracks. This little add-on built purely on LEGO parts will help you a lot.
These are the parts you are going to need
And this is HOWTO build it.
You can pay a visit to Skaako’s Flickr here
I hope to find the time to build a proper track that features this interesting addition. What would you built with it?
Hey I made the different version. Thanks this helps me with my lego train layouts
Hello. This is good idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-5FmGfYzRs or this level cross train https://youtu.be/XclIqvNMzNo
HI! Is it 8883 LEGO® Power Functions M-Motor you have used with this project?